Saturday, December 15, 2007
Living the Dream
For all my complaining about this place - and I do complain sometimes - I still love it...I love the families that come in - Karen and Scott were in this morning with their kids and their parents from Port Orchard...the parents from the Chinese school that meets upstairs on Saturdays...a couple chatting on the stage, maybe a new romance budding...I met Mike this morning who works for both Amazon and is also an usher at the 5th Avenue Theatre...Chris and Robert both came in for their "regulars" (20oz White Chocolate Mocha and 12oz Americano with room respectively)...Tammy and her "small mocha" that thankfully didn't taste like a dog's butthole to her today...a Demitasse room full of kids and their parents...and at 12:30 we have a flute really is an amazing thing to see and I know you probably get tired of hearing about it - but I'm so excited and happy to be here, on this corner of the world, a barista for the maybe when I was asleep, it was a nightmare an now I'm living the dream....
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
My Dad has caught the Christmas Fever
To see my dad as an elf, click the link below....
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Weekend Away
It was nice to step on the ferry at Port Angeles and realize that I didn't have to entertain or "watch" anyone...I could just sit there and look out the window or close my eyes and take a was really nice.
On the way over, Mark bought me a book at the Ferry gift shop. Its called "Eat, Pray, Love", and I'm really loving it...I will write more about it later.
But, on Friday night, we went to the movies. I read a review of a movie weeks ago called "Lars and the Real Girl"...I talked Mark into seeing it and it was so good. It was one of those quirky, funny, touching movies that I love so much. Its about a painfully shy guy who has trouble relating even to his own family..he has some tragic circumstances in his past that contribute to this. He can barely even talk to other people...Its very strange, but he ends up ordering a life-sized fake woman from the internet and he begins introducing her to everyone as his new girlfriend named Bianca. Now, I know what you're thinking, but this movie does not go to the 8th grade boy humor that might normally go along with a "blow-up" or fake woman in most movies.
It was just the sweetest story about how his family and the whole town begin accepting him and his delusion that his girlfriend is real. Part of it is helped along by a doctor in town who encourages people to go with him in order to help him...In fact, they go so far as to elect Bianca to the school board. With Bianca by his side, Lars is able to talk to other people and relate on a level he previously was unable to...and eventually he realizes that he doesn't need her and he's able to begin a relationship with a "real girl"...
I loved it, especially the way his family and town were portrayed, the love that they showed to Lars...I highly recommend this sweet story to anyone...yes, it was a little weird but so great.
All in all we had a really fun weekend away and I'm so grateful to the village who helped us with our children and our church who sent us and paid our way...thanks to all!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
What was I thinking?
I was already put off because the person in charge of this meeting sent us a 5 page agenda - well it seemed like 5 was very thorough, let's just put it that way. So, I was dreading the meeting and it lived up to all of my dread. It was long, seemingly very serious and extremely tedious. I don't enjoy taking notes for meetings such as this - these type of meetings and my personality do not mix. I like to crack jokes - which my own board has gotten used to, but this was a new group and I don't know that they apreciated my sense of humor - although the guy next to me did get my "Assistant to the Regional Treasurer" comment. Anyway, we did so much discussing that it was really difficult to know what was pertinent enough to make the minutes and what should be left out, etc. But I feel that I hit all the important points and only one actual motion was made during the whole meeting.
So, I sent out my minutes earlier this week and I got e-mail from the organizer of the meeting saying that she thinks she must not have gotten all of the pages as she only got approx. 1.5 pages, etc...I thought maybe the document didn't e-mail correctly, so I resent it to both her and myself and checked the document and all looked correct to, I get ANOTHER e-mail (which was the 5th one in one day) asking me to print them out and give them to her because she "can't possibly be getting all my minutes". So, I automatically go to the insecure place of - what did I do wrong? Did I not take the minutes correctly? Instead of the healthier - What is her problem? What did she expect? Or the even healthier - Who cares? Its only Preschool? I stress about this all afternoon, wondering what I might have missed at the meeting, wasting precious energy that could have been used in more productive ways...
I swear I must ask myself multiple times a week.."What was I thinking?" and "Am I the only one who sends my kids to Co-op because its the only preschool we can afford?"
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Fun Was Had By All - Happy Halloween
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Reflections on a Week (well 3 days) of Full Time Work...
Well, this week, I have had my opportunity to work full time again, only not for pay. Due to vacations and sickness, I have been working at Mosaic three straight days from 8:00-5, 6 or 7. I'm exhausted and not any richer than I was last week, but its been fun too. I normally volunteer in the evenings so I've met a whole new crowd this week. Lots of moms with kids some of whom go to school with Will, college students, business people who have meetings here, Dick's employees...its really an eclectic crowd. Its fun to hear people tell other people, "This is our family's favorite new spot in the neighborhood"...Its been really busy today and I handled the morning and lunch rush all by myself without cowering in the corner in tears...or yelling at anyone.
I'm so proud of this place and so happy to be a part of it...But, after this week, I realize why I don't work full time. Its hard as a mom with two small children to work a full day, go home, make dinner, still do the laundry, try to clean your house, give baths, read stories, get kids into beds...Did I mention that Mark is the one who's been sick this week and he's done what he can...I went and got Will from school yesterday and dropped him off at home and Lora cried and didn't want me to leave. I shut the door and could still hear her crying as I walked back down the street to the coffeehouse...realizing with each step why I'm a stay at home mom...
So, I've had a fun three days...I'm exhausted, my house is a pig sty and I've probably gained 5 pounds from bagels and Pumpin Pie Chai Teas...but I was reminded that I can converse with adults, I really do like helping other people and I can make some beautiful its all good.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
I Fired My Housecleaner...Boy am I Tired
So, I started this system called "Sidetracked Home Executive". Its this book my mom read back in the 70's and she sent it to organize your whole house on 3X5 cards, splitting up each room and each task into Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc tasks so that everything gets done..Then you decide which days you want to do for me Sunday is Meal Planning/Grocery List day...Monday is Grocery Shopping...Tuesday Laundry...Wednesday I clean the Upstairs....Thursday is a day off...Friday I clean downstairs and Saturday I do laundry again. It sounds like a lot but with it all broken up, it makes it much easier.
To add to my stress, Lora is wearing panties...and peeing on the floor mostly. She did really well the first day, so I thought "This will be easy"....she tricked me and since then has not peed once on the potty. But, I'm not giving up...she must be trained. Even if it kills both of us....
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Lora Drew a Face....
Monday, September 17, 2007
Made in China
We went shopping on Thursday and we decided to stop by Old Navy. I was commenting to my mom, in Lora's presence, about the clothes I recently ordered for her on-line. I was amazed by how many different countries the clothes were made in. From Egypt to Taiwan to Indonesia...and I commented that the sweater Lora had on was made in China.
So, three days later....Heidi, Lora and I are sitting outside my in-laws house helping with a garage sale. Lora has on the same sweater and Heidi asks her if her mommy made her sweater, to which Lora responds, "No, China made it"
It amazes me how much she picks up and listens and overhears and remembers...she is so funny and smart. Tomorrow she starts pre-school...the first one that I will leave her at for at least 2 days a week. I'm excited for her and think that she will have a great time...I just hope the other "typical" kids can keep up with her!
Friday, September 07, 2007
Time and Perspective
So, needless to say, I felt that Lora deserved a $10 Little People toy for her trauma. While we were there, Will went to Paya's house for a playdate and when we got home, this is the conversation I overheard from the TV room...
Will: Lora, when you went to the eye doctor did they give you medicine so you can see better now?
Lora: Nope, still can't see....
Will: Oh...
I have to admit, it cracked me up. Its funny how the things that would have sent me into a fit of crying a year ago make me laugh now...Its true how time and perspective help everything - and I'm sure God has something to do with it too...
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
One Day Down...10,000,000 to go...
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
But, tonight he asked Mark if kids get scared at kindergarten, if their parents can stay with them...or if they get scared during the day, if the teacher will call their parents to come and get them. Then he asked Mark what he does if he falls and cuts his leg...does he go to the school nurse or just to his teacher. And he also told Mark that he wished he was taking Japanese so he could be with his friend Paya. So, it makes me think that he has been thinking about things more than he's let on.
I just keep telling myself that all the other kids there are new to school too and that his teachers have all been teaching for 15 years and they seemed really nice. One weird thing is that he starts with Spanish tomorrow morning and for the first half of his day, he hears no English from his that could be interesting...I really feel like he'll be fine, its just a weird thing to drop him off at 9:10 and not pick him up until 3:20...he's going to have his first school lunch tomorrow, his first recess with "big" kids...he's such a great kid and I hope he has a great first day...I'm really hoping and praying that all goes well...I'll keep you posted!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Back to School...for the first time
He seems excited but I know he doesn't grasp the significance of this night and this next week...I think I grasp it as I get teary writing this. Starting next Wednesday, Mark and I will no longer be the only big influences in his life -yes I know we will still be the biggest influences, but from 9:10-3:00 Monday through Friday...he will belong to Miss Lucy and Miss Maria and will be influenced by them and all the other kids in his class and so indirectly by all of their parents also. It is weird to me - and for all of my "open minded" talk...he really has been pretty sheltered and now I feel like I'm sending him out into the world. I realize its only kindergarten, but there are other bigger kids there and it makes me want to protect his innocence even more.
I don't want him to have to learn that kids can be cruel sometimes...and that everyone won't want to be his friend...I'm not ready for team sports and comparisons about athletic abilities (because if genetics has anything to do with it, he's screwed)...I'm not ready for little girls to want to kiss him, or worse, not want to...I'm not ready for hurt feelings...
But on the other side - there are new languages to be concepts to grasp...reading to happen...a mind to be opened and new ideas to be explored...many friends to be made and a great adventure to be, "Back to School" night, here we come - I hope John Stanford is ready for one great kid to enter its ranks...
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Will's Backyard Party
So, Will turns 5 this week! I can hardly believe some ways I feel like he's still a 3 year old, but in other ways he seems so old to me. He starts Kindergarten next week, which is also so weird. Yes, I know, he's just turning 5 and we aren't holding him back a year, we're starting him in school this year. We may be stupid - so you don't have to tell us we are - I just can't imagine having him home another year...He didn't seem any less mature than any of the other kids at preschool and we think he's can tell us "I told you so" later when he's in "Super Kindergarten" next year...(that is a King of Queens reference, if you don't recognize it)
We had a Backyard party yesterday with Will and his friend Paya who turned 5 on the 20th. It was fun to plan and put the party together with my friend Nooshin. It was her first birthday party that she had even attended in America, so it was fun to explain all of the things that are goodie bags - which are kind of a weird concept. We had a great day in our yard with 13-15 kids and parents beside...I think everyone had fun and Will and Paya had a great time being the center of attention...It was great for me to see that a simple party with popcorn, chips, fruit, cupcakes and lemonade in our backyard can be just as fun to the kids as renting out some big space or taking them all to Chuckie Cheese...the kids don't care, they just want to be together playing and running was great! Happy Birthday to Will! I love you!
Friday, July 13, 2007
A Visit from an Old Friend.....
I actually started thinking about her a couple of years ago and "googled" her, I sort of kept track of her through mutual friends...I knew she and her husband had moved to Illinois...tried to find an e-mail address and then, out of the blue, got a Christmas card from her. She had heard that we were pastoring at SFC so she sent the card to the church. So, we e-mailed a couple of times but haven't talked or seen each other....I'm excited...
I wonder if we will still have any connection? Me with my peanut butter smudged shirt, not quite done hair, kids in tow....I'm hoping that we will pick up where we left off, like no time has passed...Who knows? But I'm really excited to see her!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
The Innocence of Children...
Will: Mommy, why do kids have to go to the bathroom with their parents?
Me: Well, its just not safe for kids to go to the bathroom by themselves.
Will: Why?
Me: Well, a stranger, who might not be nice could come in and hurt you....(I said unsure of how to word it so as not to scar him for life...)
Will: What would they do?
Me: Uh, well...
Will: Well, they could put my head in the toilet and then flush it...that would hurt.
Cracked me up...
Saturday, July 07, 2007
We participated in the Wallingford kids parade today and walking back, we stopped and got cupcakes and I chatted with another mom at Wallingford center who is a "regular" at Mosaic. Then, as we were walking home, the Wallingford Boys and Girls Club was marching and they announcer said that they had just remodeled their space and I was reminded that they were the 10% charity for Mosaic a couple of months back...and I thought, "we were a part of that". We walked down 44th to come home and ran into Susan who chatted with us for a few minutes, another is so nice to feel connected and Mosaic is the reason for that connection with each of these people. It just feels so good to be a part of the community that I live in and I didn't feel that way before makes me feel like we are accomplishing what we set out to do and I love it!
Live Earth
I started to write this big paragraph about where is the church in during Live Aid, I wondered the same thing. But that promotes such an "us and them" mentality...its incredible how little it takes to make a difference in our environment and we need to start doing something - especially those of us in the church who are very slow when it comes to the environment.
But, mostly, tonight, I'm amazed by how many freakin' great musicians there are in the world...I mean, someone like Ant from the Chili Peppers is this weird, freaky little guy who sometimes goes on stage naked, looking like an idiot...but he is really an incredible bass player....
Switch to energy efficent lightbulbs and unplug your phone chargers when you're not using them! That's not too hard.....
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Hello Again....Hello
Friday, May 04, 2007
New Friends
So, thank you to Jen, Ruthie, Thomas, Meg, Eowyn and Coco for making our week more fun...and for being new friends!
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Everyday with Harry...
We've been worried about Harry recently because he's becoming more forgetful, getting to church and then not remembering whether he drove or rode the bus, losing his coat and keys, showing up for Tuesday morning bible study on Wednesday...things of that nature. He also seems to only eat when he's at church - our associate Tim and his wife had started taking their left overs from dinner each night, putting them in the church fridge with Harry's name on them. He's been complaining of his back aching so Mark took him to the doctor last week...they scheduled some follow-up appointments and Mark stopped by his apartment with Harry after the apointment....because of the appointments - wanting to make sure Harry gets to them - the condition of his apartment, and the fear we have about him being taken advantage of, Harry moved into our guestroom last night. There is a possibility of him moving in with his sister that we are working on, so it will probably only be short-term.
Having people live with us is something, over the years, that Mark and I have frequently done. Its funny, because, although it can be happens to be something I enjoy. My mom loves to say to me, "Oh you can't do that to yourself" when I tell her of our latest houseguest....but I partially blame my parents for my being okay with others in our home. My mom and dad are two of the most hospitable people I know. They frequently opened our guestroom to people throughout my childhood...twice we had whole families living with us - people who had moved to Seattle and were looking for places to live and I remember at least two other friends of ours staying with us while looking for housing. Those are just the longer-term situations I remember that were friends of ours in transition.
I also remember the Native American single mother my mom somehow got in contact with whose newborn baby had been transferred to Children's Hospital. Her baby died very shortly after she arrived here and mom brought the mother home to stay with us for a few days until she could return home. This doesn't include all the one-night guests - missionaries, friends, relatives, etc. that made their way through our home. I love how my parents didn't have different standards for different people, all were treated like family and given the best of what we had....thanks for the lesson in hospitality mom and dad.
So, because of this, we have "Everyday with Harry"....and other stories to tell later in life from Mark and my home. I can see already how easily my kids adjust. This morning, at the breakfast table, Harry patiently listened as Will talked his leg off about Spiderman and other superheros. Any person who will listen for that long to my kid is welcome here....who knows if he could hear him! So for now, we're hanging out with Harry - maybe we'll get a book deal out of it! Just kidding...he's one of the "Least of these..." how can you say no to that?
Friday, April 20, 2007
Meeting McLaren
I read "New Kind of Christian" and "The Story We Find Ourselves In" a couple of years ago and along with Donald Miller's "Blue Like Jazz" - found them life changing....Its funny, because I wasn't shocked by anything I read, like others seem to be...I credit my parents with raising both my brother and I to realize that its okay to have questions about God, they didn't come off like they had it all figured out, so it was okay for us to feel that way too and wonder about how it all works.
There is so much that I loved about these books, but one of my favorite scenes is the "conversion" scene in the coffeehouse. The simple explanation, the simple realization of the "convertee" that he does believe in God and Jesus. It wasn't necessary for him to be in church on Sunday - he didn't have to go down to an altar and say any "magic" words. It was simple, one friend talking to another - sharing each other's lives and experiences. I love that picture and I think this is how it happens more often than not.
I think all too often, we try to fit God into a tidy little box and say, "This is how it all works...this is how we approach God...This is what a relationship with God looks like." Even though I had found the opposite to be true in my life already - it was so nice to hear Christian authors saying it.
I'm really excited to meet Brian and just hope I don't gush too much, or make a fool of myself by crying or something....I'll let you all know how it goes!!!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
He came in last night while Heidi and I were working - it had been a slow night up to that point - he had a couple newspapers (of the 5 that he reads daily, I later learned)...ordered a soy chai and started talking to me. I found out that along with reading the 5 newspapers, Dennis is a Seattle cabbie who once was on the news because he decorated his cab for Valentine's day called it the "love cab" and sang love songs to his passengers, he once got a $450 tip from a faire for singing "Winter Wonderland", he wakes up at 3am most mornings to start his day in order to make ends meet, he would love to be able to come to church sometime but he has to work 7 days a week just to make it. Oh, and the funniest thing - he went to King's Garden Christian School from K-12 - we graduated from the same high we talked about our school - the fact that it used to be a TB santatorium...that the Chemistry classroom was the old morgue...about the underground tunnels that we all used to play in...
I liked Dennis...I was surprised by Dennis...I had things in common with Dennis...I might not have ever found that out were it not for a coffeehouse in the basement of a church...I am amazed by all that God is doing and feel blessed to even be a part.....
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Knowledge is Power
The first thing that kind of "got" me was when she said that our kids should know the basics of how babies are made by age 5...that stunned me until she reminded us that by that age, they are entering school with older kids who are going to tell them all sorts of things about sex, right and wrong and she reminded us that at that age, its all about the science there is no emotion behind it for them yet...I was quickly reminded of the 7 or 8 year old boy from church that told me how babies were made when I was about 6, and boy was he wrong. I really want my kids to know the "real" scoop, from Mark and I, not some kid on the playground.
She also talked a lot about what is appropriate developmentally for kids to know/play at different ages. This helps to spot signs of sexual abuse that could be happening. I so appreciated this information.
I really loved her style and how she talked bluntly about the "mechanics" but also about values and seemed to respect all different values. Its staggering the statistics of teenage sex, and that scares me to death as my son enters the school system. I really want my kids to feel like they can talk to me about anything, that no subject is off limits, this is how I feel like I was raised - and I want to pass that on.
One of the quotes that stuck with me was that kids really need "200 one minute conversations about sex instead of one 200 minute conversation" at this age, they will actually listen to me, where they may not when they are 12 or 13. I so want to instill in my kids to respect themselves and other people so much and that the choices they make when they are young can impact their lives forever - its not just about waiting until marriage because that's what we want them to do, or that's what God would want them to do - but I want everything for them, love, trust, healthy relationships, great educations, wonderful careers, etc and getting someone pregnant, getting pregnant or dying from a disease could seriously affect that. I feel so proud to tell them that their dad is the only man I've ever had sex with, but I also want them to know that I love them no matter what mistakes they might make in their lives. And, that they are worth it, they are worth waiting for that person they will spend their life with, they are worth having healthy relationships, they are worth living a long, healthy life.
Anyway, I really appreciated the evening and again I would recommend this speaker to other parents. It is blunt, but we have to be honest with our kids...they are worth it.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Happy Easter!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
To Sleep Over, or Not to Sleep Over.....That is the Question
We actually discussed this months ago, along with playdates and the like....we were both nervous about sending him off to other people's homes, especially school friends that we don't know that well yet. We are perfectly happy to have friends over here, but letting him go is more, a couple of months ago, I let him walk to school with his friend and his mother and its gone on from there. He's had playdates, one even all day, at others homes, etc. I had let my guard down. So, when the overnight was mentioned - I was wishy-washy. I didn't stick to the planned answer of "Not until he's 25..." So, now I'm caught having to say something official to my friend, risking offending her - "Its not you, its me...." Haven't we all heard that somewhere before? But, I really mean it in this situation. I really think he would be fine, etc....I'm just not ready for that step in his life - and if I'm 100% not ready, his father is 150% not ready!
So, I was up until 3am this morning stressing about what to say, how to say it. I know I'm overreacting. I keep imagining if the shoe were on the other foot, I wouldn't be offended, I would understand....she is a wonderful, caring woman that I really like and I just don't want her to ever feel like it has anything to do with them...So, I am asking for advise. Anyone have any????
Friday, March 16, 2007
One More Step Towards Reality!
We had our first event at Mosaic yesterday. We are not officially open, but we need to practice our barista skills so we have a few events in the next couple of weeks to allow us to do that. So, yesterday we hosted some local Nazarene pastors for a luncheon. Bree and I we behind the counter, making mostly was fun and frustrating all at the same time. There is a lot to think about and when you add in the pressure of someone waiting for their drink, it can be scary. But, we made it! We served everyone and managed to not look too much like some sort of comedy routine!
We spent most of our day yesterday at Mosaic. Its fun to hang out there imagining all of the people who will come and be served. The family room is pretty much all set up, we are going to paint a tree and maybe some flowers on the wall but other than that, its got the padded floor in, the kitchen, slide, books, etc...its really cute! Will and Lora played there most of the evening...I love how much they love it there! Just one more step towards reality!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
A First Taste
I'm supposed to be writing an article for the Mosaic newsletter, which is to go out on Monday. My topic is "What are my hopes and dreams for Mosaic?" I don't really consider myself a writer. In fact, this blog is really my first attempt since college at any type of writing...and I don't really think of this as "real" writing - even compared to other blogs. For me, it is more a way to vent, get my thoughts out and keep my friends and family informed on my life. So, I haven't written a word for my article. The blank page intimidates me. I instantly feel insecure, like I have noting relevant to say.
I have many hopes and dreams for Mosaic...In fact, I can't really think about it without tearing up. I flash back to Mark, Heidi and I sitting around our kitchen table around three years ago - we were just talking, sharing our hearts about how we wanted church to be we were tired of the status quo, same-old same-old way of "doing" church....we wanted something radical that got back to the essence of what Christ talked about in the gospels. So someone, not sure which one of us (I'm sure Mark will take the credit), came up with the idea of a coffeehouse. It morphed from a dream to a vision to now, a reality. I envision a place where people, all different kinds of people - young, old, rich, poor, singles, families, kids, grandparents, Christians, non-Christians (whatever that means) could all be together in community. I want a place where people who might never come to a church service would feel comfortable, maybe not even realizing that they are in a church, being loved by Christ. Not in a fake, Amway salesman kind of way - but sincerely, with no expectation of them ever stepping foot in our sanctuary on a Sunday morning. If someone wanted to come on a Sunday, great - but no expectations.
Through some situations out of our control, the coffeehouse will be run on a donation, pay what you can, basis. We are working on the wording of how to convey this idea. A couple of things that people have come up with are "What is it worth to you?" and the word "Priceless" - meaning, we think you are priceless and our products are priceless. I love both of these ideas because I have to constantly evaluate, what is it worth to me? What is this relationship with Christ worth to me? What is living in community worth to me? What are these people that I call my friends and family worth to me? And out of that - How do I show them that they are worth everything to me? How do I treat people to convey that they are priceless? Do I do that at all?
I'm hoping and praying that through this endeavor, we will have an opportunity to express to our friends and neighbors that they are priceless to God and to us...that they are worth being in community with - not for any other reason than that they are human beings, loved by God, created to live in fellowship with Him and others. That and a really good latte...those are just a few of my hopes and dreams for Mosaic.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Trying Something New...
Lora Glaphre Woodward
And she still is, in my estimation. She is funny, smart, beautiful, loving. This morning, I told her "Happy Birthday!" to which she replied, "Happy Birthday to me? To me? Lora Glaphre Woodward?" I said, "Yes, Happy Birthday to you!" and she said "Oh thank you mommy...thank you for saying Happy Birthday!"
So, again, I say....Happy Birthday Lora Glaphre Woodward!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
She's Growing Up
Monday, February 26, 2007
Too Smart for Her Own Good....
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Going Home...
I saw a few people that I could have done without seeing...when you're father is a pastor - there are some hurts that happen - its funny how time and distance heals some of those things, but not all of them. Also, isn't funny how the people you would rather not talk to want to talk you're ear off while you're trying to get to the friends you really want to see??? There were so many friends to catch up with and not enough time for all of the greetings. We greeted the new pastor, told him we're just down the freeway a few exits...then we had to leave. It was kind of sad because there were so many that I didn't get a chance to catch up with. We got in the car and Mark said, "You are their princess..." He was, of course, joking...but, no matter where I go and no matter how much I love our church now and the people who are now a part of my church community....that place will always be "home" in some sense. Those are the people who loved me through the difficult years, and some of them were pretty difficult...and they did love me through them. I am so blessed, as a pastor's daughter, to have come through the whole experience unscathed...A lot of which I attribute to my parents, but those people get a lot of the credit too. I still love the church, I love being a pastor's wife (most of the time) and they were all a part of my experience. So, I guess what I am saying is that you CAN go home again!
PS - on the diet front...still going strong. Four weeks without cheating. I actually didn't lose anymore pounds this week, down 13 total, BUT I'm down 12.5 inches total! And, I'm expecting my "Aunt Flo" this week, if you know what i mean...
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Will was diagnosed with Pneumonia on friday. He's already doing a lot better, but we've kept him in all weekend so I've stayed with him. He's ready to go out and I'm pretty sure he'll go to school tomorrow - or we may all go crazy!
On the diet front, I'm still going strong. I haven't cheated in three weeks! I'm really excited about that. I've had a tiny plateau this week but have lost a total of 12.1 lbs in three weeks and 7 inches total which is exciting too!
Sorry for the boring post....I think I'm just tired.....
Friday, January 19, 2007
The Joys of a Good Apple Cake
Anyway, on this diet you are given certain pre-packaged foods and you add your own fresh fruits, veggies and dairy items. It is sort of a lower carb thing and one of the things I haven't had is very much "real" sugar or desserts. Now, I have one of the program's pre-packaged desserts each day and that does help with the cravings. But, if you know me, I like my sweets.
I've taken to enjoying my dessert in the afternoon. I make my non-fat, sugarfree Latte and get out my cookie or biscotti or whatever has been provided for me and have been perfectly happy. Well today, I hit the motherlode of diet desserts. I've had this Apple Cake mix in my cupboard, which is also part of my diet and I've been avoiding it because I had a Chocolate one earlier that wasn't terrific and, my new diet Bulliten Board friends have not been too keen on the Apple Cake either. Today, however, it sounded good. So, I chopped up some fresh apples, put the mix in a bowl along with a teaspoon of Splenda Brown Sugar, some Cinnamon and the water needed for the mix....I poured the batter into my little ramekin and nuked it for 1 1/2 minutes. I took it out, plopped it out on a plate and, while still warm, topped it with some Fat free Cool Whip, sat down with my latte and took a bite and oh my goodness it was heaven! I know, silly but for someone who hasn't had that kind of experience for a couple of weeks and normally really enjoys a good dessert....this was nirvana! It just lifted my mood and made me happy.
The beautiful thing is that I have one more apple cake mix in my cupboard (and I can order more). I think though, I am going to make my other one for my husband tonight. He is on this diet too and I think he would enjoy the treat...that's just the kind of wife I am! Ha, Ha. Plus, he sent me flowers today for no life is pretty darn good!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Yippee for me!
I actually really enjoyed this morning's worship service. Which is funny because we had about 20 people with the combo of the weather and the Seahawks playing, but numbers have very little to do with worship. I felt good this morning, I enjoyed the songs that we sang - I especially enjoyed singing with my friends Kathryn and David - you guys are fun and we had some great moments this morning! I know that worship isn't about how good the singing is, but as a singer, when its good, it does help! Anyway, Mark preached well, there were no bloody fights in the foyer afterwords - not that there ever are. Progress on Mosaic, A Community Coffeehouse, is progressing in the basement - we even have the skeleton of a coffee bar built. I'm really excited about what is happening on our corner and I'm sad that I let myself get caught up in some trivial feelings that derailed me from seeing the big picture. Its the whole "forest for the trees things". Thank you to my friends who helped me get out of my blogging funk with their kind words....
Also, I wasn't going to say anything about this because I feel like I'm all talk and no action, but I've actually been on a diet consistently for one week...7 whole days. And, at last weigh in on Friday, I was down 6 pounds! I'm really excited and I don't feel like quitting, which is something. I feel really good, have detoxed from some "bad" things and am on my way down. Maybe I'll try to post each Sunday afternoon on my progress. Like I said, I don't want to be someone who's all talk, but maybe this will be some, yippee for me!!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Those Moments
I'm having one of my "I'm frustrated with community" weeks. I have these times when I think it would be really fun if Mark had a "normal" job. When we got married, he had a really fun job. He worked events for a company that did a lot for Microsoft. There were a lot of fun perks with his job...we got SWAG from events, got to go to fun dinners and I even got to stay with him for a week at the Sheraton in downtown Seattle. I love staying in hotels...its something about someone else making my bed.
Our first year of marriage, we popped in and out of church. My parents had just moved, so my dad was no longer my pastor, and we took a few weekends away and went to his parents or B&B's. That was fun. (Of course, I was working too, so we had a lot more money for weekend trips)
If someone at his old work didn't like him, it didn't really affect me. I didn't have to interact with them at all really. I could listen to his stories about conflict, but I didn't have to sit in a pew with them on Sunday while he preaches to them...
Sometimes those feel like the "good 'ol days". I'm tired of community today...I'm tired of feeling judgement from friends, whether real or just percieved judgement, about how I'm raising my kids...I'm tired of silly e-mails that my husband has to "kindly" respond to from well-meaning people, that I take personally but he can let go of so easily...I'm tired of the fact that its Saturday morning and my husband is over at the church undecorating from Christmas, when he should be hanging out with us....I'm kind of in a funk and hope that those who read this will not judge me further for feeling this way.
For the most part, I love what Mark does, the people that we are in community with, the life that we have here on our little corner in Seattle...then there are those moments....hopefully there is grace in those moments...that is what community is about, right?