Friday, January 19, 2007

The Joys of a Good Apple Cake

As I mentioned in my last post, I'm on a diet. That is nothing new for me. What is new for me is that I have been on said diet for almost 2 weeks without cheating! That is new for me. I don't want to go into which diet I am doing because, like Star Jones, I feel it is irresponsible for someone of my fame to push any one diet. At least without compensation - I don't want any of my readers suing me! lol

Anyway, on this diet you are given certain pre-packaged foods and you add your own fresh fruits, veggies and dairy items. It is sort of a lower carb thing and one of the things I haven't had is very much "real" sugar or desserts. Now, I have one of the program's pre-packaged desserts each day and that does help with the cravings. But, if you know me, I like my sweets.

I've taken to enjoying my dessert in the afternoon. I make my non-fat, sugarfree Latte and get out my cookie or biscotti or whatever has been provided for me and have been perfectly happy. Well today, I hit the motherlode of diet desserts. I've had this Apple Cake mix in my cupboard, which is also part of my diet and I've been avoiding it because I had a Chocolate one earlier that wasn't terrific and, my new diet Bulliten Board friends have not been too keen on the Apple Cake either. Today, however, it sounded good. So, I chopped up some fresh apples, put the mix in a bowl along with a teaspoon of Splenda Brown Sugar, some Cinnamon and the water needed for the mix....I poured the batter into my little ramekin and nuked it for 1 1/2 minutes. I took it out, plopped it out on a plate and, while still warm, topped it with some Fat free Cool Whip, sat down with my latte and took a bite and oh my goodness it was heaven! I know, silly but for someone who hasn't had that kind of experience for a couple of weeks and normally really enjoys a good dessert....this was nirvana! It just lifted my mood and made me happy.

The beautiful thing is that I have one more apple cake mix in my cupboard (and I can order more). I think though, I am going to make my other one for my husband tonight. He is on this diet too and I think he would enjoy the treat...that's just the kind of wife I am! Ha, Ha. Plus, he sent me flowers today for no life is pretty darn good!


Anonymous said...

Dang married for almost 9 years and "no reason" flowers. Give it up for your husband!!!!! Nice!

Red Letter girl said...

Good apple cake and a good man. What more could any woman want? I'll have to settle for Bobbie Brown and sugar free/fat free jello-o!

Bree said...

since saturday my hubby and i have been staying at our vegetarian friends' house in the sticks of missouri and they do all organic, very healthy stuff... anyway, reading your blog has made me start to drool for something not healthy to eat... or at least that would cut my craving for something sweet!

glad the diet is going well. i am in awe that you can stick to it! that sounded really bad, but what i mean is that i have been "trying" to eat better and until this week in missouri... yeah, not so successful. keep up the hard work!