Thursday, January 10, 2008

The First Workout of Many...

So, I started working out today. I got "The Firm" aerobics system on a side note, how are people able to sell multiples of the same item for $39.95 when it retails for $90 on TV? - I understand having one, but 20 or me visions of mobsters hijaking trucks. Anyway, I digress...however the person I bought it from got it, I'm happy I did. Of course, I've only done one workout, but it was really good. The system comes with 4 DVD's and sets of weights that you can increase as you work up to it. Then they lay out a plan for rotating the DVD's...its nice because each DVD also has a 40 minute and 20 minute option so based on how much time you have you can pick.

I was pleasanty surprised that I was able to do it, instead of a frenzied high impact aerobics, it was a lot of lunges and more controlled movements - I was definatly sweating and working out but I never had to quit because I couldn't breathe - now, quitting because my legs were burning is another story, but overall, I was able to do it.

I'm trying to decide when I'm going to be able to workout the 5 times/week that I'm striving for. I was able to this morning while Lora was in school because I didn't work at Mo, but that doesn't always happen...and with shuttling kids back and forth, trying to keep my house clean, etc I'm not sure what time I will consistently be able to do this...Unless I actually get up earlier in the morning, which is a really hard thing for me to commit to...I figured out though, that even if I just wake up at 7AM, I would be able to work out before getting ready and getting the kids ready, etc...I'm thinking as part of my "Requiring More of Myself" in '08, I may try to do this. I realize that for most people 7AM is not even early, but for me who likes to lay in bed until the last possible moment which is usually 8 or 8:15, this is a big committment. But, I'm considering it - this would also give me more time to eat a good breakfast each morning, make the kids a good breakfast, etc before we have to be out the door. So, I think I've convinced myself to try it - we'll see how it goes....wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I sit down at my desk at 7am - so I could give you a wake up call if you want... :)