So, I cried in Co-op this morning...and not just because one of the little girls told me I was fat. About three times throughout the year, teacher Kris asks the kids to draw a self portrait. This morning was the first of those times. During our small group, we handed the kids paper and asked them to draw themselves. We asked questions like.."What shape is your head?" "What do you have on your face?", etc...
So, Lora proceeded to draw a perfect circle, the two circles for eyes, a smile and a nose. This picture is actually the second portrait she drew...I grabbed the other one before anything happened to it so she drew this one and added lots of curly hair and possibly a beard of some sort. She has a good imagination. I just looked at her go, concentrating and putting all the pieces in their perfect place..and I looked at the three boys at our table one scribbling and the other two barely able to make a circle. I realize she is a girl, she enjoys drawing, etc...but she's also supposedly blind. And all I could do is look with wonder and cry.
This may not look like much to anyone other than her mother or maybe her dad...but to this mother, it is a masterpiece and should be hung in a gallery somewhere with the title "Look What God Can Do...."