Monday, November 27, 2006

Snow, Snow, Snow....

Yes, we have snow in Seattle. I love snow. I reminds me of being a child, waiting to see if we have to go to school...Mark took the kids out tonight to play and they loved it. I've been sick for a few days, so I stayed in. Which is another reason that I'm happy about the snow, I just saw that Seattle schools are closed tomorrow, which means that Will doesn't have school, which means that I don't have to work in his class tomorrow, or try to find a replacement since I've still got a fever. Yeah snow day!


Anonymous said...

This is a comment about your co-op blog. As a former preschool teacher, I can't tell you how common this behavior is. At this age, kids want to know "who's in charge here?" When a parent comes on the scene there is confusion and the kid has to do whatever is necessary to find out the answer to this question. It has nothing to do with you. You are just a player in his drama. They need to know what the limits are and who is going to enforce them. I agree that the teacher did the wrong thing by contradicting your plan. It confused Will. You do need to have a plan in advance and an agreement with the teacher about how to handle things. You are one of the best Moms I know, and you are doing a great job with your kids. It's a tough job, especially when an easy-going mom is dealing with a strong willed child. Believe me, I know!!

Red Letter girl said...

I wonder who the strong-willed child is that magaw could be referencing?? Certainly not the RLG!!!

She is pretty smart though...I will have to concede.