Saturday, July 07, 2007


I just wanted to say that I love living in Wallingford and I love that Mosaic is a part of this community....this week, we were contacted by Will's "Buddy" from John Stanford Elementary (they pair up first grade families with each of the new Kindergarteners coming in) So, the mom contacted us via e-mail to set up a time to meet...Mark e-mailed her back and she said "Wait a minute...are you the Mark and Christa from Mosaic? We've played with your kids..." We set up a time to meet at the park and I recognized her right away. It was so nice to already feel connected.

We participated in the Wallingford kids parade today and walking back, we stopped and got cupcakes and I chatted with another mom at Wallingford center who is a "regular" at Mosaic. Then, as we were walking home, the Wallingford Boys and Girls Club was marching and they announcer said that they had just remodeled their space and I was reminded that they were the 10% charity for Mosaic a couple of months back...and I thought, "we were a part of that". We walked down 44th to come home and ran into Susan who chatted with us for a few minutes, another is so nice to feel connected and Mosaic is the reason for that connection with each of these people. It just feels so good to be a part of the community that I live in and I didn't feel that way before makes me feel like we are accomplishing what we set out to do and I love it!

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